Update Copyright Statements automatically

Happy New Year! It’s 2006 now, no more 2005. That means you should write 2006 instead of 2005 (who’d have thought? :D).

Did you already update your copyright statements? No? Here is a PHP snippet that saves you time. You never have to care again which year it is. It gives you always the current year. (Those with PHP knowledge will not continue reading, I guess, but nontheless):

<?php echo date('Y'); ?>

Just put this where you want the year (4 digits) to appear.

Don’t bother Firefox users with AdSense Firefox Referrals

Since I can finally use Firefox Referrals within Google Adsense, too, here’s a quick tip for those who put the ads on their sites, but forgot that not everyone needs Firefox (e.g. those who installed it already and are viewing your site with it :D).

If you run WordPress for example, you can quickly insert this PHP code to show the Firefox ad just to those using not Firefox:
Continue reading Don’t bother Firefox users with AdSense Firefox Referrals

Google Analytics – Who is not waiting?

This is something that could make Internet history as the “as everybody was waiting” incident: Google startet Google Analytics. It’s a service once called Urchin, purchased by Google, which now has this new name.

Yesterday, I assume many people have started to use Google Analytics. You have to enter your sites details, and include a Javascript code into your page�s header. Then Google says your reports should be available within 12 hours.

The funny thing is: I’ve not yet read about anyone who actually has seen his stats. This is just ridiculous. Right now, there are people who waited more than 36 hours and still have no stats. Discussions about wheter Google forgot a big “beta” sign are going on at WebmasterWorld Forums, users complain over at Digital Point, too. Not even ProBlogger Darren Rowse, who said he started using Google Analytics, has stats yet.

Well, we’ll have to wait and see.

Update 1 (11/16): I knew I could tell you this soon. I’m finally seeing stats. And they look very cool.

Update 2 (11/17): Unfortunately, they seem not to be complete. They lack updates for several hours:
Google Analytics - Drop in data
(This should be yesterday)

Update 3 (11/19): Google has finally something to say:

The demand for Google analytics surpassed even our highest expectations and as a result some customers may temporarily experience report-update delays. All data continues to be collected and no data has been lost. We are currently adding resources to ensure high-quality service. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Oh, and my missing data showed up :-) but now I’m unable to add new sites to my account :-(

Update 4 (11/20): Google Analytics is not accepting any new users:
No signin up possible

Google Analytics has experienced extremely strong demand, and as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In the meantime, please submit your name and email address and we will notify you as soon as we are ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience.