Get images to fit your liquid design

Update: The simpler technique at the end.

While designing my new site I decided to make the layout completely liquid. That always means more work. But I wanted it to be wider than 800px, and at same time it should fit a 800×600 screen. Finally the whole site was liquid and I ran into problems. It simply doesn’t look good when your images stop at half of the total column width, because they should not be too big for lower resolutions. I had to find something that made the images as wide as the column.

Image running into navigation column

If you just put an image in a liquid column, that image defines some kind of min-width and destroys all your work, ’cause if you don’t pay attention, your images runs into other columns. Continue reading Get images to fit your liquid design

How to Fold a Shirt

This is the most amusing site I ever found on the web.

Stop wasting time folding shirts the normal way! How to Fold a Shirt shows you the latest techniques and tricks to fold t-shirts, sweaters, dress shirts and more; the RIGHT way!

I had to watch the video several times, and the next thing I’ve done is trying to fold my shirts like that! Which site has ever made you to get up and clean up your room by folding the shirts lying around?