How to use the title tag

I think this is something big, that every site should be aware of. Think about how to use the title tag! I’ve seen so many websites doing this wrong, so I want to explain the method which is in my opinion the best.

Why is <title> important?

You have to see where title appears, in order to know how important it is.

Title Bar of the browser

That’s the only thing where title plays a role – for some IE-only users and webmasters. Most people focus on this, and therefore titles can be very long.

Title in the title bar
Continue reading How to use the title tag

Links now included in the feed

The links are now included in the feed. Update: Links are not in the feed. Extra service for you. You can also write comments on them, because they are normal blog articles which just don’t appear directly on the blog. When you visit the site, you can find ’em on the right side (that’s where the “old” links where before).

Another new thing: Feeds will now show the full text, not only a summary. But don’t be too lazy to visit the site when you have something to say. I mean, well my articles are not the best, but please write a comment if you got an idea or somewhat. Continue reading Links now included in the feed