I want to share the way I bookmark things in del.icio.us with you. I’ve created a little nice bookmarklet which does a prompt for the information needed to bookmark a site in del.icio.us. That’s in my opinion the fastet way to bookmark a page and have user-specified tags and title added to it. Well, you could do a one-click solution, but where should it get the tags from?
The title of my bookmarklet is “quickpost”, because it posts a page quickly to del.icio.us.
Here is what you have to do:
- log in to del.icio.us
- drag this link to your link toolbar: quickpost
- edit the location in the link properties: change USERNAME to your username
- go to the page you want to bookmark
- select some text which should be used as description
- click ‘quickpost’
- follow the instructions
The bookmarklet lets you verify and modify every information (tags, title, description). You always have to enter some tags, the title is taken from the HTML page title, the description is taken from text you’ve selected on the page. However, you don’t need to select text or enter a description. The field can be left empty. Simply click OK after every step, the page is bookmarked faster than you can say ‘bookmark’.