Use nbsp!

Again a little thing that makes our pages a bit more perfect. After you’ve created the design, written the XHTML and styled it up using CSS you have to concentrate on something else. Typography. At least, you put some ” instead of " in there and that’s it.

I’ve found out another thing that’s important. They even use it in the “real” world (newspapers, magazines). The non-breaking-space. Sure, everyone knows about it. But do you use it? As it’s meant to be? Continue reading Use nbsp!


Maybe you expect me to write a few more articles. I really would write something, if I had time.

I’m doing my “Abitur” at the moment, so I gave up reading blogs and writing my own, but I will start again in a few weeks. The “Abitur” is the thing you need to go to university. In the dictionary it’s described as a “(Senior High School) graduation diploma”. This Wikipedia article does it somehow better. I’ve got exams in German, “computer science”/IT and biology (uuh). Wish me luck… and keep on checking for new entries.

Get images to fit your liquid design

Update: The simpler technique at the end.

While designing my new site I decided to make the layout completely liquid. That always means more work. But I wanted it to be wider than 800px, and at same time it should fit a 800×600 screen. Finally the whole site was liquid and I ran into problems. It simply doesn’t look good when your images stop at half of the total column width, because they should not be too big for lower resolutions. I had to find something that made the images as wide as the column.

Image running into navigation column

If you just put an image in a liquid column, that image defines some kind of min-width and destroys all your work, ’cause if you don’t pay attention, your images runs into other columns. Continue reading Get images to fit your liquid design