The loader

You want to use, but you have already dozens of bookmarks in Firefox? No problem. My new loader is the solution.

Just export your bookmarks and upload the file. Then you can choose which tags to add for each bookmark. If you don’t want to add all of your bookmarks, just choose the ones you like to add. Click the last button et voila, your bookmarks are magically added to your account. The script even recognizes the date, on which you’ve added the link to your bookmarks.

So please tell me if there is anything to improve and, most important, tell me if there are any bugs.

Planning websites with a wiki

When you have an idea for a project, for a cool website or whatever, you have to plan it. This becomes even more important if you work together with other persons.

Planning on paper

Well, you can talk to each other, write ideas down on paper but at some point, you just need something better than this. You need a platform for all project members to communicate, share ideas and to track actions.

I made the experience that you can do all this with a wiki! A wiki allows you to easily set up dozens of pages and link them together. You could structure your ideas and every one (of the members) can make annotations and post follow-up ideas. Continue reading Planning websites with a wiki

How to use the title tag

I think this is something big, that every site should be aware of. Think about how to use the title tag! I’ve seen so many websites doing this wrong, so I want to explain the method which is in my opinion the best.

Why is <title> important?

You have to see where title appears, in order to know how important it is.

Title Bar of the browser

That’s the only thing where title plays a role – for some IE-only users and webmasters. Most people focus on this, and therefore titles can be very long.

Title in the title bar
Continue reading How to use the title tag