Concentrate on semantics

You want your XHTML to semantic. That means you use tags only where they intent to be used, so that everything has a clear structure and the XHTML gets meaningful. Even without CSS applied. Here are some things you should know:

Use H1 – H6 for headings

For sure you have headings in your document. You can structure everything by headings. But please don’t do the mistake and use just

<div class="heading">TITLE</div>.

For example, use H1 for the first-level heading of your webpage:
Continue reading Concentrate on semantics

Declaring CSS in XHTML

So you want to add CSS to your XHTML site. There are a couple of ways to do that.

Declaring CSS in the head section

<title>Title of Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
/* ... Define CSS here ... */

Pro: Easy to maintain, if CSS is needed only for that page. You don’t have to hassle with different files.
Con: CSS can be used only for this file.

Continue reading Declaring CSS in XHTML

Automatically inform Google of new WordPress posts

I’ve already heard of the Google Sitemaps project a few weeks ago. With Google Sitemaps, you can give Google a sitemap of your website, so that the crawler knows which pages to crawl. It was not very important for me, because all my pages where indexed.

Then I came across this:
Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress

And suddenly it hit me: You can let Google immediately know, when there are new pages to crawl. With this little plugin, Google gets automatically informed when you write something new. What could be better?

I installed it and it works perfectly. Now I’ll have so see how fast Google crawls new content.